Moving with a dog is a big deal because your home is theirs. So, when you decide to move, you have to consider your dog and how the house move will impact them. A new home and new surroundings can cause problems for your dog and it can prove to be extremely stressful for them and not just you. However, it is important to understand that dogs need reassurance and routine and so, to ensure that the move and transition to your new house go smoothly, there are things that you can do to make it easier for them. 

The aim is to reduce stress and keep your dog in mind at all times of the move. This includes before, during and after as this will help them get accustomed to the move and help them feel safe. So, follow our advice and tips in our guide and you’ll make the move as stress-free as possible for your dog.

Tips Before Moving 

Avoid Surprise by Planning Ahead of Your Move

As with all moves,  you can make things easier for yourself by planning ahead. Moving house with a dog is a challenge but it’s important to consider your dog when moving house by planning ahead.

  1. Find a New Vet – There is no use in waiting until you need to use a vet because your dog becomes ill or injured. When you move house with a dog, you should do your research and find out what vets are in the area and which ones come recommended. It can help to spend time asking around on social media and forums to find out which vet is right for you.
  2. Get Your Dog Microchipped – You should have your dog microchipped by law but moving to a new area should make you think about your dog and their lack of familiarity with the area. They might escape from your new house or run away from you but with a microchip, at least you know that you have one less thing to stress about.
  3. Get Your Dog Car Trained – Your dog might not be familiar with travelling in a car but when it comes to moving house, they will have to get used to travelling in a car. You don’t want to add more stress to the situation for your dog when it comes to moving by forcing them into your car. It can help to take them on several short journeys as this will get them used to the experience and make them calmer when you move house.
  4. Think About Crate Training – It can help to purchase a new crate for your dog. Most dogs love spending time in a crate but on moving days, it can come as a surprise to them and be quite stressful. This could be one of the best tips as you will need to keep your dog secure and safe during the move. 
  5. Think About Packing – Moving house involves packing and there is no avoiding it but it can make dogs nervous when something strange happens, especially when they see lots of boxes. Therefore, for a number of days or weeks before the move, you should get some boxes and cases out. This will help to familiarise them with these strange objects and won’t associate them with moving. It’s important that we consider every element of the move for our beloved pet, regardless of how small it may seem. 
  6. Begin Training – In your current home, your dog is likely to have a set of rules that they follow. However, your new home might require new rules such as not entering the kitchen or jumping on the furniture. You should begin making changes gradually before the move to your new home as implementing new rules on the day that you move will only cause problems.
  7. Get Them Prepared – A new area and new surroundings are normal when moving house but this isn’t how your dog will see it. If your new house is close then you could take a walk to the new area a number of times before moving house. This will enable them to become used to the new area and even the location of the home. 
  8. Try Anti-Anxiety Toys – There are a number of toys available to purchase but these might help to keep your dog calm should they be behaving differently
  9. Keep Routine – Even though moving house is likely to result in a change of routine, you should keep their routine as normal as possible up to the day you move. Walk them at the same time, feed them at the same time and do everything you usually would at the same time. 
  10. Don’t Wash Their Bedding – As tempting as it might be to wash all dog bedding before you move house, try to avoid it. This will keep their bedding familiar as this will provide comfort.
  11. Make Their Toys Available – Don’t be in a hurry to pack dog toys before moving as your dog will need them. In fact, it can help to leave them out to keep them occupied and to give them something to focus on.

Tips During The Move 

When moving day arrives, it’s really important to make your dog a top priority. Your pets are going to recognise that something different is happening and so, you should do everything possible to ensure that moving is not stressful for your dog. 

  1. Pack For Your Dog – You will need to make sure that you pack dog food and water in a bottle but you should also pack bedding and toys so they are easily accessible once you move into your new home.
  2. Have Important Details at Hand – It’s really important to make sure that you have all of the important details about your dog to hand. This will include a photo and microchip details as they might get separated during the move.
  3. Keep Them Safe When Travelling – After all of the removals have taken place, it’s time to take your dog to its new home. So, make sure they are secure in your car and even purchase a dog seatbelt.
  4. Remember They Need the Toilet – It’s too easy to get caught up in your move and forget about the needs of your dog. You should ensure you let them out so they can go to the toilet.
  5. Put the new identification tag on your dog’s collar – Add the new identification tag to ensure that your dog can be identified should they run away or get lost
  6. Keep Your Dog With You – Ensure that your dog remains with you throughout the day. Leaving them alone will only leave them feeling anxious and stressed
  7. Devote Time to Playtime – Give your dog attention during the move by giving them some playtime. It will give them the chance to feel some element of normality and realise that you are still there for them.
  8. Keep Some Treats Handy – Every dog loves treats but by having them handy, you can reward them throughout the day and give them something to enjoy
  9. Make Sure the Car is Ventilated Well – Your car should be well-ventilated, especially when travelling during the summer months. 

How to Help Your Dog Adjust After Moving Into a New Home? 

Once you are moved into your new home, it’s time to help your dog adjust. Don’t assume that they will slot straight into a new routine as we do. They are in completely new surroundings and are likely to be confused. They might also need time to get used to the new layout, so follow our advice below to help them adjust.

  1. Make Your New Home Safe – You should check over your new home to ensure that it is safe for your pet and that they are unable to escape from the garden. You should also make sure that the inside of the home is safe as they still won’t know their way around.
  2. Keep Them On a Leash – Once you arrive, your dog will need to learn where they cannot go and where they can go. You might have boxes around which can become a hazard while you will also want to keep your dog safe. Keeping them on a leash will give you control and help them to learn boundaries.
  3. Make it Feel Familiar – Your dog is going to want to feel safe and you can do that by setting up their bed and toys so that it replicates how it was in your old home. You should also stick to the same feeding and walking times.
  4. Discover The Area Slowly – It’s important to remember that your dog still doesn’t know the area, so instead of covering it all at once, take your time. Let your dog sniff around and explore while on their lead. They might not have seen some of the features before such as parks or even fields while there might be different sounds such as more traffic or people. You should also aim to meet your neighbours as they will know what your dog looks like but your dog will also become familiar with them too. 
  5. Make Things Fun – Introducing new toys and food-dispensing toys will keep your dog occupied and happy. It will also help to keep their brain stimulated and that’s really important when it comes to moving to a new area.
  6. Find Other Dog Owners – Where possible, search social media or speak with locals to find out if there are any dog walking groups. If you join a group, you will be able to familiarise yourself with the area, meet new people but also help your dog to interact and socialise with other dogs.
  7. Take them For a Walk –  You should also put some time aside during the move to take them for a walk in your new area on moving day. This will ensure that they get their exercise and also familiarise themselves with the area.

Ready to Move? Get Help From Professional Mover

If you are ready to move house, you should always look to use the services of a professional removal company. When it comes to removals, we understand what it takes to undertake your move with professionalism and efficiency. From the moment you decide to move to the moment we complete your move, we make moving home as stress-free as possible. So, if you are looking to move home, why not get in touch with us and see how we can take care of it all.


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